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Writer's pictureLinda Campbell

Does this sound like you?

I know how it goes. You feel stressed. It seems like the world is in chaos, there is so much uncertainty, and it is beginning to affect your mental health.

You find yourself worrying about the future, feeling overwhelmed and concerned about what is going to happen.

It is affecting your sleep. You're smoking more pot than you usually do to try and relax and let things go. You are turning to food for comfort and you have picked up that habit of biting the inside of your cheeks again.

You want someone to talk to. But when you think of the people closest to you, they are stressed out too! You don't want to burden them with your worries. There is nothing they can do about it anyway. So, why bother?

So you try the usual things. You try to meditate but you can't quiet your mind. You try to repeat positive affirmations, but they feel unbelievable and do not provide the reassurance you need. The tools that once gave you comfort no longer seem to work.

So, you try to ignore how you feel. You busy yourself with work or bingewatch your favourite shows to distract yourself. But when you lie down to go to sleep, it all catches up with you; the catastophic thinking, the "what if" game, the distressing images you saw earlier online, the worries, the fears.

This is where I come in.

I have been a Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist since 1999. I know that when we are under ongoing stress, it can take a toll. It can affect relationships, our mental state, our habits and moods. It can exacerbate any challenges we already have. And a vicious cycle gets created. You're stressed. The stress is having an impact on your life, your health, and your happiness. And that creates more stress. And around and around it goes.

I know how to get you off that merry go round of fear, overwhelm and anxiety.

Imagine having someone in your corner—a guide who listens without judgment, who helps you work through your fears and anxieties. Someone who not only listens but also actively helps you calm your mind, change your perspective, and build a healthier mental space.

I am now offering a monthly membership where you receive two personalized hypnotherapy sessions every month (valued at $175 each) and a discount on additional sessions should you desire them. As a special bonus, I will make you a personalized subliminal recording that contains messages relevant to our work together so you can reinforce what you are working on between our sessions. I will update the recording with new messages as our work progresses.

Two sessions a month not enough? You will also receive a deep discount on any additional sessions you book.

But that’s not all. You’ll also get unlimited access to TranscendU, a self-help library of what I call "mini courses" which are all focused around specific goals such as overcoming depression, emotional regulation, health anxiety, generalized anxiety, sleep improvement and much more. Each mini course is filled with pre-recorded hypnosis sessions, subliminal tracks, healing frequencies, processes to change your thinking, and other powerful tools to keep you grounded between our sessions. Every month, new resources will be added, so you’re always moving forward, always growing.

Plus, you’ll have priority access to me through private chat, so whenever life throws something your way, I’m here to help you navigate it. Think of it like having a lifeline at your fingertips whenever you need extra support. You get all of this (and other perks) for only $397/month. Cancel anytime.

Don’t keep carrying the weight of the world on your own. In our Upgrade Your Mind Membership, you’ll get the support, relief, and tools you need to not just cope, but thrive.

This is your chance to feel heard, supported, and empowered. Let’s work together to calm your mind, ease your stress, and create a more positive outlook.

You can use the link below to learn more about this membership or reach out to me with any questions you may have. I am happy to be your support in these challenging times.

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